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Old May 17, 2007, 09:09 PM // 21:09   #1
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Default No one beleives rits can heal!?

Im putting this under 'pve experiences' just to clarify

So i was in a group and they needed a healer, i switched to my rit helm and pinged my build (Spirit Light Weap, Mend B&S, Spirit Light, Essence Strike, Gaze of Fury, Life, Deny Hexes, Rez/Divine Spirit).

They laughed and said rits CANT heal!??!?? and got a HEALER HENCH. needless to say i quit the group.

So i want to know from non-rits and rits alike how they feel about this label of not being able to heal and properly keep someone alive. Spirit Light is the BEST, most flexible heal in the game, and still no one beleives rits can save a life... Personally i think a restore rit is SO much better than a healer monk, and could easily replace them. Prot monks are a VERY different story, they are always needed no matter the situation... but they dont work that well with eachother, hence the healer + prot 2 monk combo... but resto+prot could replace those so quickly if people realized rit potential

Has this happened to other people as well?

Last edited by Trylo; May 17, 2007 at 09:44 PM // 21:44..
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Old May 17, 2007, 09:29 PM // 21:29   #2
Ascalonian Squire
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Thats one of the reasons I dont play a rit anymore. There are so many builds that they can do, you either find a group that expects you to be a healer, or demands that you be a ritual lord. None of the other builds are really known as well. I hate the "Your a resto rit? Better get 2 more monks incase"

I pride myself on being a fairly decent monk, but Ive been WAAAAAY outhealed by a rit multiple times. Playing a rit healer takes a little more straategy than pressing 12345 though, which is one reason a few people I know prefer newbie monks over (potentially good) resto rits

All a matter of preference I guess. If rits werent meant to heal at some point, why is there resto magic? Its like joining into a group playing a smiting monk. They can fight just as well as they can heal, but the lack of the build being seen as often as a healer or prot monk reduces a person's trust in it... same with the rit.
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Old May 17, 2007, 09:40 PM // 21:40   #3
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Most people know a rit can heal almost as well as a monk, while doing other cool stuff.
I've seen "GLF monk or rest rit" quite often even in higher-end missions.
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Old May 17, 2007, 09:56 PM // 21:56   #4
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Yeah.. this has happened to me in about 25% of the groups that I get into..It's what you have to expect for joining a PuG. One time, I joined a group with one monk, and I told the party that I was a Restoration rit, and they just seemed to ignore me and kept on persisting to get another monk. After about 15 minutes, they were still looking for a monk, so I just left. The group soon fell apart after that.

Usually groups are really nice about the healers in the group though. I had this one group.. We started the mission with me as a restoration rit and a ZB monk. After we had gotten in about halfway through the mission, the monk says: "Nice Job keeping yourselves alive with self-heals guys! I barely have to prot you guys at all!" Obviously he didn't know that I was a healer also.. but I decided to not say anything and just kept on doing the mission.
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Old May 17, 2007, 11:32 PM // 23:32   #5
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I've quitted many groups when they laughed and said a monk was better then a rit... We can give them +9 regen when they have a hex or condition on them :s and heal about 400damage in a matter of seconds, which beats a monk to 200damage and +6regen... our recuperation spirit affects the whole team, their healing breeze or mending is pathetic against that...

I like to play a Channeler-Spirit build I can do a nice damage heal and interupt and blind at same time what you want more?!

Btw if they complain about restoration rit? :P why is half gw using our Vengful was khanei elite restoration skill then?
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Old May 18, 2007, 01:26 AM // 01:26   #6
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Thumbs down

Originally Posted by Xeroxz
I've quitted many groups when they laughed and said a monk was better then a rit... We can give them +9 regen when they have a hex or condition on them :s and heal about 400damage in a matter of seconds, which beats a monk to 200damage and +6regen... our recuperation spirit affects the whole team, their healing breeze or mending is pathetic against that...

I like to play a Channeler-Spirit build I can do a nice damage heal and interupt and blind at same time what you want more?!

Btw if they complain about restoration rit? :P why is half gw using our Vengful was khanei elite restoration skill then?
This, however, is evidently pure BS.
A Healer's Boon Monk can heal 400 with one casting of Heal Other. Monks are better healers, because thats basically what the class does; Rest rits spike heal for less, but they make up with awesome condition removal & other stuff.
Suffice to say Rits can heal very well; You don't need to compare them to Monks.
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Old May 18, 2007, 03:22 AM // 03:22   #7
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Originally Posted by ArKaiN
This, however, is evidently pure BS.
A Healer's Boon Monk can heal 400 with one casting of Heal Other. Monks are better healers, because thats basically what the class does; Rest rits spike heal for less, but they make up with awesome condition removal & other stuff.
Suffice to say Rits can heal very well; You don't need to compare them to Monks.
Not necessarily. A rit can out heal a monk using just a single attribute line. A monk cannot heal as well as a rit using only Healing Prayers. Healer's Boon is found in the Divine Favor line. A healing rit can branch into other lines for damage augmentation and other effects as well.

To the OP. Don't let the overall ignorance other people have about a rit's abilities bother you. The ritualist is the most versatile class in the game now. Heck, my rit has even tanked in hard mode in place of a warrior with the right build and a decent prot monk to back her up.

Last edited by Calen The Civl; May 18, 2007 at 03:29 AM // 03:29..
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Old May 18, 2007, 05:32 AM // 05:32   #8
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With me its the other way around when NOT playing my ritualist most other ritualist think they cant heal >_>...

Let me explain... So yesterday I was in tahnakai temple with my warrior searching for a group not easy for my nublet warrior with his kind of biased build but hey gotta do something right? Well as luck would have it I saw 2 ritualists looking for a group I invite them along with some other players and ask what their builds are... The first rit pings I click *doubletakes* most horrid rit build I have ever seen...

So I ask both to go restoration and ping one of my more general resto builds they just look at me laugh and leave saying I am a noob and on top of that dish their own class by saying they cant heal -_-

After that I just asked a monk guildy to help and we got through so it was still a happy ending
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Old May 18, 2007, 05:35 AM // 05:35   #9
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People are retards. The only reason to take a monk over a rit is for prot prayers. Rits are vastly superior at red bars go up.

I feel ya with the "better get a couple more monks in case the rit sucks thing", and having to convince them otherwise. Then, when the mission starts, healing breeze boy on the other monk stands around and does nothing. Somehow, people think the monk did all the healing.
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Old May 18, 2007, 05:46 AM // 05:46   #10
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Default In response to your question:

Yes I do believe that Ritualists can heal and keep any decent player alive.
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Old May 18, 2007, 06:04 AM // 06:04   #11
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Originally Posted by Bai
"Nice Job keeping yourselves alive with self-heals guys! I barely have to prot you guys at all!"
I LOL-ed. I'm still amazed at the sheer ignorance of your average PUG. If you're not running the cookie cutter Build-of-the-Week, you're not getting into a group. This is why I like Heroes and minions, so I'd rarely had to deal with other people's stupidity.
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Old May 18, 2007, 08:29 AM // 08:29   #12
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Originally Posted by Trylo
Has this happened to other people as well?
I rarely get the "rits can't heal" or "ZOMG we must get a monk" comments. Perhaps only once or twice in the last year.

I have always said that Ritualist Healers are far better thank monk healers. This is due to one reason: In-house energy management. Ok, so monks have a few skills such as Healer's Boon and Healer's Covenant which could be considered as "energy management" but they have some fair costs (-1 energy regen, heals for less anyway)... Ritualists have many skills to use for direct energy management...skills such as Spirit Channeling, Signet of Spirits, Offering of Spirit...then there is Soothing Memories when combined with an item spell such as Protective was Kaolai.

Rit Healers > Monk Healers...although when it comes to protection I feel the monk has it in the bag.
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Old May 18, 2007, 08:36 AM // 08:36   #13
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Rit healers can be Very effective, the best healer as regard to healing ability however is a Mo/Rit since it can use the Rit healing skills and gain extra from Divine Favor.

Rits do have much better energy managements, Monks more often than not have to rely on secondary professions for energy management.

So Rits = Great Healers, Monks = Great Protectors, and 1 of each and your sorted for a mission
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Old May 18, 2007, 09:07 AM // 09:07   #14
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It isn't really an issue that arises often for me.... since I don't PuG .... and while there are two Monk heroes available right from the start of Nightfall, there is only the one Ritualist and he is only available right at the end.

... But I have my own personal issue with Rit Healers. While I will ask exclusively for them in missions like Thunderhead Keep and Eternal Grove (if I feel the inclination to PuG)... for missions like Nahpui Quarter or Raisu Palace.... I tend not to so much.
Because I have got it into my head that Ritualists spend their time putting down spirits, and by the time they're done everything is already dead and we all need to run on... out of spirit range.
Ritualists are at their optimum when the group has to stay in one place... When the group has to be constantly moving at high speed.... they start to deteriorate in awesomeness.

Is this a totally ridiculous assumption on my part or does it bare any relation to reality? I'm gradually starting to drop it now... but then it doesn't matter much because I don't often PuG.

[That said... when I last did Nahpui Quarter with my Monk character, I was bringing Tahlkora for Healing while going Prot myself... and hadn't expected it when the Ritualist who showed up with Razah happened to be Restoration-based (as did Razah to some extent)... and we all failed the mission because of too much healing and not enough offensive power. I did comment jokingly at the time though that Tahlk and I were being upstaged by a superior healer.... and the second time through the mission I just brought Olias and Sousuke instead, and got the Rit to change Razah to something more offensive, and we got Masters easy as pie. One heal-rit and one prot-monk.]
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Old May 18, 2007, 12:21 PM // 12:21   #15
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Maybe early on groups thought rits can't heal but most mission areas have people advertising that they're looking for monks or healing rits. I'd say the assumption that rits can't heal as well as monks is no longer a factor. In many cases rits can outheal a monk. They can do some protection with a couple of their spirits but since the spirits have a large recharge usually, the advantage in that department goes to monks. Other than that, rits easily fill the role of healer in missions.
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Old May 18, 2007, 12:59 PM // 12:59   #16
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This is why you use Henchmen and heroes, they don't complain. -_ -
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Old May 18, 2007, 02:02 PM // 14:02   #17
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Originally Posted by Calen The Civl
Not necessarily. A rit can out heal a monk using just a single attribute line. A monk cannot heal as well as a rit using only Healing Prayers. Healer's Boon is found in the Divine Favor line. A healing rit can branch into other lines for damage augmentation and other effects as well.
Math, then.
[skill]Heal Other[/skill]+ [skill]Healer's Boon[/skill]
Assuming typical noob healer monk (16 healing, 13 Divine):
190*1.5=285+42=327 health
Casting time: 1,5/4 seconds
Recharge: 3 seconds

[skill]Healer's Boon[/skill] + [skill]Ethereal Light[/skill]
Casting time:1/2 seconds

Spirit light is about equal to Ethereal Light under boon (assuming a spirit is around, otherwise ew),but if you have 2 castings of either mend b&s or Light you still get something inferior to boon+heal other.
I'm not going to go into LoD+h.haste, but you catch my drift.
And this is of course assuming this is some random healer monk, not a hybrid with Aegis and prot spells; Those just outclass a rest rit in every aspect.

Rest rits are cool because they can do cool stuff AND heal(like laying down recovery+recuperation for permanent bonuses while the party is stationary).
Don't make this about who heals/protects better, because 3 of the monk's attributes are relevant for that, while rits have one.
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Old May 18, 2007, 04:23 PM // 16:23   #18
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I have played a resto rit before, and I can tell that they are fun to play and quite effective, too. But still, if I need a healer, I'll take a monk rather than a rit.

Want to know why? Because monks don't need spirits to be around for their spells to be effective (and creating spirits before a battle slows the team), monks can easily spec into protection if needed, they have superior condition and hex removal - and the latter rits don't even have without using a secondary.

I don't give a damn which profession can spam bigger heals or has the better "in-house energy management". Healer's Boon monks and those kinds of resto rits are overkill in pretty much everywhere in PvE, including hard mode, unless you're planning to fight 2-4 groups all the time. Of course there are exceptions, like Domain of Fear, but even in such areas they are not necessary.

However, if a rit can bring level 14 or at least level 10 Splinter Weapon, then I'll gladly include the rit into my team.

Last edited by RoadKill97; May 18, 2007 at 06:12 PM // 18:12..
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Old May 18, 2007, 04:27 PM // 16:27   #19
Ascalonian Squire
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Commune line can also be used for healing purposes. Shelter and the life shielding one, but also weapons spells like vital weapon (150+ hp with 14 in commune)can also be used to "heal" since it adds this amount of hps to the target (also cheap too at 5 energy with 2s recast). Wanderlust also has a defensive use by knocking down stationary targets.

Spawning also has it's assortment of heals but it seems mostly to complement healing Rts who use spirits.

Last edited by kaply; May 18, 2007 at 06:30 PM // 18:30..
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Old May 18, 2007, 05:12 PM // 17:12   #20
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Rits can party heal with great efficiency.

Personally, I love it when I get in to PUGs and they are clueless about Rits. I was in a group with 2 monks and people died, monks cry for energy before they died. I sighed and rezed them all. Let the monks the credit for helping with the mission, they know and I know as a Rit, I saved the team's butts.

People don't pay attention to a 1 spirit healing Rit. When conditions are spread, they assume the monk's remove the coniditions, when it is really me. Yup, Monks have Divine Favor, Healing Prayers and Protection Prayers, while Rits have Spawning, Communion, and Restoration. People forget there is at least 1 healing skill in Spawning (does require spirit though) and Shelter & Union from Communion to make good defenses.
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